Paper and Book Reviews
The current reviews
- This review Robert K. Wilcox, Shroud, Macmillan, 1977.
- This review Giulio Fanti and Roberto
Maggiolo, The double superficiality of the frontal image of the
Turin Shroud, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, no. 6,
pp. 491--503, June 2004. PDF
- This review John P. Jackson, Is
the image on the Shroud due to a process heretofore unknown to modern
science?, Shroud Spectrum International, no. 34, March 1990.
The upcoming reviews
- Walter C. McCrone, Judgment Day for the Shroud of Turin, Prometheus Books, 1999,
341 pages. (ISBN 1573926795)
- Giulio Fanti et al., Evidences for testing hypotheses about the
body image formation of the Turin Shroud, in the program of the
Third International Dallas Conference on the Shroud of Turin,
September 2005. PDF
- Raymond N. Rogers, Studies on the radiocarbon sample from the
shroud of turin, Thermochimica Acta, 425, pp. 189-194, January
2005. (The paper is available
at R. N. Rogers )
- Aldo Guerreschi, Michele Salcito, Further studies on the
scorches and the watermarks, Third International Dallas Conference
on the Shroud of Turin, September 2005. PDF.